In a world driven by technology in all industries, it has become essential to have knowledge of artificial intelligence and data science. With the new Bachelor's Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science from La Salle - Ramon Llull University, you will become a professional capable of tackling the challenges of the future in the technological field, to lead and make a difference in a society in constant evolution.
Degree qualification from La Salle - URL. In the process of official validation for the 2025-2026 academic year.
You will acquire in-depth knowledge in automatic learning, deep learning, natural language processing and computer vision that will enable you to design, implement and evaluate algorithms for decision making.
You will address future and current challenges, thus contributing to the constant advancement of artificial intelligence, and through a deep understanding of best practices you will promote ethics and responsibility in this field.
You'll enjoy a study tour in a world technological capital and you'll be able to take part in exchange programmes abroad. In addition, you will study in a multidisciplinary campus with students and professors from over 100 nationalities.
You will learn through a differential methodology, focused on practice and teamwork with students from other specialisations, which will prepare you to work in the global environments of the professional world.
Know the study plan, the academic team and all the details of the degree
La Salle Degree in Computer Engineering, is the only Degree program in Barcelona which equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to meet the new international demands of the computer engineering sector and of the global business world.
Veure mésIt allows students to take two complementary degrees and thus develop a global and interdisciplinary profile that opens many professional doors.
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